November 30, 2024:
President Phyllis Horne has asked me to post the following opportunity from National Council of Women of Canada to partcipate in December 6th, 2024 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: CEDAW Webinar:
Dear S-210 Open Letter Signatories,
As of June 7, 2024, there has been no further progress on Bill S-210 since the SECU Committee returned it to the House of Commons without amendments. The bill's future remains uncertain, with possibilities ranging from remaining shelved to potential amendments. Given the anticipated election in 2025, there's a chance S-210 may not complete the legislative cycle. In preparation for the upcoming election, and in light of the possibility that S-S210 will not survive, the NCWC encourages everyone who is concerned about the current lack of protective measures in place, to engage with candidates regarding their positions on implementing laws to protect children from exposure to pornography online as well as online bullying, sextortion and the multiple harms encountered online. Given the pervasive nature of online violence and its disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations, particularly women and girls, we invite you to attend a crucial webinar co-hosted by the National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC) and Every Woman Treaty. This event will focus on strengthening the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
Webinar Details:
We encourage you to attend and share this invitation with your networks. Please note that the webinar will be conducted in English only. For any questions or further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Penny Rankin, VP NCWC
Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the CEDAW Convention and the need for a New Optional Protocol to CEDAW to End Violence against Women and Girls
This online event reflects on progress made, reaffirms commitment to CEDAW principles, and emphasizes the need for continued efforts to eliminate discrimination and violence against women and girls.
Visit National Council of Women of Canada website
Mission Statement: To empower all women to work together towards improving the quality of life for women, families, and society through a forum of member organizations.
November 11, 2024:
President Phyllis Horne has asked me to post the following opportunity:
Subject: You're Invited: CPP Investments National Virtual Public Meeting
If you or your members missed the public meeting in your province this past month, I am reaching out to share there is an opportunity to join our
National Virtual Public Meeting on Thursday, November 21st, from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST.
You can register via the link, underlined in purple/blue, above.
Participating in this virtual meeting will provide you with the opportunity to learn how CPP Investments is working for you and to ask us questions about how we’re investing the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Fund.
Opportunity to Serve via IRSA: Immigrant and Refugee Services Association:
You can volunteer to help legal immigrants and refugees from foreign countries better learn the English language and feel welcomed now that they reside on PEI.
You can access more information at 902 628 6009; or
October 21, 2022, posting
School Board Elections, from John Cummings:
School Board Elections are fast approaching. Due to hurricane Fiona there will be an extension of the mail-in ballot deadline as well as the election date itself.
The new dates include:
All eligible voters are encouraged to register to vote!
Your Community, Your Voice, It Matters.
Comme vous le savez certainement, les élections scolaires approchent à grands pas. En raison de l'ouragan Fiona, la date limite pour les bulletins de vote postaux
ainsi que la date des élections ont été repoussées. Les nouvelles dates sont les suivantes:
Tous les électeurs et électrices admissibles sont encouragés à s’inscrire pour voter!
Votre opinion compte. Votre communauté est importante
June 20, 2022, posting
My name is Leigh Cassell and I'm CEO and Founder of the social enterprise Digital Human Library (dHL). We are currently looking for volunteers across the country
interested in contributing to reconciliation by helping dHL and the International Indigneous Speakers Bureau (IISB) connect the Canadian curriculum to a new
library of Indigenous educational videos that will be made available to school districts across Canada beginning in the fall 2022.
I've included the link to our posting that we would greatly appreciate you sharing with your members. Please let me know if you have any questions and if you're
able to help.
Further information and contact info via the following link, just a click away!:
Curriculum Coordinators for Indigenous Resources
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
May 25, 2022, posting
If you know of anyone from PEI who is
PEIRTA $2000 Scholarship Application Form
February 4, 2022, posting
Ronald J. MacDonald, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, UPEI writes to President Denman:
"We have a Project Manager position for our Literacy and Numeracy Outreach Program here at the Faculty of Education at UPEI. Dr. Gaby Sanchez and I are excited to be
Co-coordinators of this program. I'm wondering if you can share this information with your membership, please?"
Project Manager - Literacy and Numeracy Outreach Project - Faculty of Education *Reposted* *Amended* | University of Prince Edward Island
Below are letters to our NEW Minister of Seniors from Gerry Tiede ACER-CART PRESIDENT. Sent November 10, 2021; Posted November 12, 2021
Letter to Seniors Minister Kamal Khera: English
Letter to Seniors Minister Kamal Khera: French
Use your browser "Back" button to return to this page after visiting the letter page.
October 28, 2021, posting
Attention: Retired Teachers:
November 04th, 2021
August 24, 2021
THANK YOU to those of you that have registered and SELECTED your tee time or told me that you will have a team of four golfers for the tournament.
Contact Eagles Glenn at 902-963-3600 to register AND select your tee time - FIRST TO TELEPHONE get the better choice so don't delay!!! We need to know
all the names playing in your group. The Guardian had our advertisement in Friday's edition - it was on our website and in our newsletter!!
COST is $60 plus HST/player. You can contact Eagles Glenn at 902 - 963 -3600 and book your tee time between 6:30 am to 7 pm. Don't hesitate and CALL NOW!!
The first 128 golfers registered are guaranteed to be in the field. There MAY BE a chance to have a shotgun start - this depends on the COVID status in PEI.
The Tournament is open to Retired teachers from PEI, their spouses and significant others, your golfing buddies, teachers from away, the PEITF and The Department of
Besides 6 different formats that you will play, there will be a "BEAT THE TEACHER", a PUTTING EVENT, CLOSEST TO THE PIN ON ALL 4 PAR 3 HOLES' and CLOSEST TO THE
Wayne Denman
MAY 14, 2021
Re: Recruitment of Committee members
Dear ACER-CART Member Presidents, Directors and Committee members,
One of ACER-CART S greatest achievements this past year has been the elevation of the work of our committees. This ground-up participation has become the
strength of our advocacy for members.
On behalf of the ACER-CART membership, I acknowledge and thank our current committee members for their efforts.
A goal of ACER-CART is to have knowledgeable and committed member representation from across Canada on each committee these are working committees.
ACER-CART Executive members serve as committee chairs. One of their first orders of business, following their election at the AGM, will be to appointment their
committee members. Committees meet about four times a year using Zoom. Committee positions are one-year terms. Current members are encouraged to apply again.
For the coming year, I request your help in recruiting volunteers or nominates for a committee member position.
Application for a committee position is as simple as sending an email to Roger R gimbal (
with the name of the volunteer/nominee and their choice of committee.
ACER-CART s updated terms of reference for our committees.
A. Pension and Retirement Income: The pension and Retirement Income Committee shall
B. Communications: The Communications Committee shall
C. Health Services: The Health Services Committee shall
D. Political Advocacy: The Political Advocacy Committee shall
Looking forward to receiving the submission of your volunteers or nominees.
Yours sincerely,
Gerry Tiede
12 mai 2021
Re : Recrutement des membres du Comit
Chers pr sidents, directeurs et membres des comit s d ACER-CART,
L une des plus grandes r alisations de l ACER-CART au cours de l ann e a t la hausse du travail de nos comit s. Cette participation de la base est devenue
la force de notre d fense des int r ts des membres.
Au nom des membres de l ACER-CART, je reconnais et remercie les membres actuels de nos comit s pour leurs efforts.
L un des objectifs de l ACER-CART est d avoir une repr sentation comp tente et engag e des membres de toutes les r gions du Canada dans chaque comit - ce sont des
comit s de travail.
Les membres de l ex cutif de l ACER-CART pr sident les comit s. L une de leurs premi res t ches, apr s leur lection l AGA, sera de nommer les membres de leur
comit . Les comit s se r unissent environ quatre fois par an en utilisant Zoom. Les postes au sein des comit s sont des mandats d un an. Les membres actuels
sont encourag s se repr senter.
Pour l ann e venir, je sollicite votre aide pour recruter des volontaires ou nommer des personnes pour un poste de membre de comit .
Pour postuler un poste au sein d un comit , il suffit d envoyer un courriel Roger R gimbal ( avec le nom du volontaire ou
de la personne nomm e et son choix de comit .
Les mandats actualis s de l ACER-CART pour nos comit s.
A. Pensions et revenus de retraite: Le comit des pensions et du revenu de retraite doit
B. Communications: Le comit des communications doit
C. Services de sant : Le comit des services de sant doit
D. D fense des int r ts politiques: Le comit de d fense des int r ts politiques doit
Dans l attente de recevoir la soumission de vos volontaires ou de vos candidates et candidats.
Veuillez agr er, Madame, Monsieur, l expression de mes sentiments distingu s
Gerry Tiede
April 12, 2021
UPEI Job Opportunity:
If you are interested, details regarding salary, responsibilities and application procedures are available at To apply online use the form near the bottom of
the site linked in this paragraph. You can reach the application page directly via this link:
ADS Level 5 - Facilitator - Education Learning Commons - Faculty of Education (42E21)
If you are unable to apply online (there are some restrictions), you can drop off your resume to the Human Resources Department, Kelley Building, University of Prince Edward Island,
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PEI C1A 4P3, Fax Number (902) 894-2895.
March 22, 2021
To: Wayne Denman
From: Ronald J. MacDonald (PhD), (he/him)
University of Prince Edward Island: BEd and Practicum Coordinator Position
There is a unique opportunity at our Faculty of Education at UPEI for a retired teacher. I'm wondering if you could send this out via your email list and/or put it
on your website?
Application Deadline: March 25, 2021
December 30, 2020
Red Cross Care Team Volunteers
From: Fleur Merlingeas-Meynard
Hello ACER-CART team,
We are looking to collaborate as the Canadian Red Cross is recruiting for our emergency response to COVID-19.
We are looking for Canadians to join Red Cross care teams that may be deployed in various operations including support to long term care, contact tracing,
testing, vaccination and more.
There are a variety of positions available medical and non medical profiles. We invite you to share the attached information and to visit
redcross for more information and profiles detail.
Thank you!
December 30, 2020
Holland College Foundation Thankyou
"On behalf of the entire Holland College family, we extend our warmest gratitude for your ongoing support.
Thank you, and best wishes this holiday season! Wait for music to stop and then video should start automatically.
December 30, 2020
Visit Deb Schulte, Minster of Seniors, English Message; French Message; December 18, 2020; December 30, 2020
November 28, 2020
Visit Deb Schulte, Minster of Seniors, Message; November 25, 2020; November 28, 2020
September 23, 2020
Esther Finkle Walk
A hundred years from now it will not matter what your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove, but the world will be a
better place because you were important in the life of a child.
Click on the link above for further details and contact information.
September 2, 2020
To all PEI Retired Teachers
I hope that all is well with you and your families and friends during these times. For Your Information I received an email from Norbert Carpenter,
Acting Director of Public Schools Branch yesterday (August 31) inquiring if any of our retired teachers might be interested in supply teaching during the 2020 school year.
I indicated to Norbert that I would pass the information on to our members via our website. The decision to participate or not is for you to decide for yourself.
The PEIRTA is not putting any pressure on you to participate or not - this is your decision!
Wayne Denman
For further information contact one or both of the following people by email via the links below:
Norbert Carpenter writes, "The fees have been waived this year, but a recent criminal record check is required. If you have further questions
about the process, please contact Lynda MacLean in Human Resources."
VIA EMAIL OR PHONE. From Chris Croken, approved by President Denman:
PEIRTA Appreciation Week Details
March 6, 2020: President Cynthia MacDonald writes concerning an email she received from Jessica King, "I have an opportunity for retired bus drivers, or maybe retired teachers. I am forwarding it to you to see
if it is something we might put on the opportunity section of RTA website."
Here is the email that came from Jessica King:
"Good afternoon Cynthia,
Jessica King | Human Resources Director
Bill Oehlke writes, "If you know of any retired school bus drivers who might be interested, please pass the information along."
Reading Recovery Program Celebration: Open House; posted May 24, 2019
The Canadian Institute of Reading Recovery (CIRR) invites you to:
Event: Open House: Celebrating 20 Years of Reading Recovery on PEI
Please see the attached poster, which you are invited to post and share:
Looking forward to seeing you!
Teaching/Administration opportunity, posted May 20, 2019
NUNAVUT IS SEEKING TEACHERS STARTING IN AUGUST 2019 . Categories: Elementary, Middle School General, High School General, Principal and Vice-Principal, Learning
Coach, Student Support Teacher. Base Salaries $76,000 - 119,000. Northern allowance: $15,000- 34,000. Relocation Allowance (if applicable). Subsidized Staff
Housing. Federal Superannuation. Professional Development. All available teaching positions posted on
Nunavut Contact: Department of Education, 867-975-5600, Fax: 867-975-5103
Information Session regarding Electoral System Referendum Choices, January 2019
Our President Cynthia MacDonald has asked that the following note be posted.
"A member of the Cooper Institute contacted me to see if we could get a message out to the RTA. They are holding an information
session on the Electoral System Referendum Choices in preparation for the next election."
Seniors Community Symposium (Coordinated by Cooper Institute)
Posting: August 14, 2018; re. Retired Teachers Golf Tournament:
When: September 4th
You can go online at to register as a single, double, threesome or team of four.
There is a number on the site to contact for assistance: 902-963-3600; ask for Chris. You can register online, by phone or by writing a check and either
mailing it to the address on the website or dropping it off at the golf course. If you choose to mail or drop it off phone to ensure that there is space
Website mailing address:
Any questions people can contact me, Wayne Denman, at 436-6260 (H) or 963-3600 (Eagles Glenn) or by email to to Wayne Denman.
Please help spread the word.
From: Patrick Rouble
Sent: April 26, 2018 11:10 AM
Subject: Position of interest to retired Yukon teachers
Hi Ken,
I sit on the Board of Directors for Skills Canada Yukon and we have a position open for an Executive Director. Since the position involves education,
training and contact with Yukon teachers and students, I thought that this position might be of interest to a retired teacher. Carol Sherlock suggested that
you might be a good person to contact about this. The posting and job description can be found at
Kent Butler writes, March 19, 2018, "I am in the process of recruiting judges for the 2018 Provincial Heritage Fair on May 3rd. I thought there maybe many retired teachers that
would like to be part of the day.
"Formal invite below - People can contact me directly at - 902-438-4806.
"Dear Sir or Madame:
"Plans for the annual Provincial Heritage Fair are underway for Thursday, May 3rd, 2018, at Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown. The organizing
committee is working hard to ensure a high-quality fair with a diverse range of projects. The committee is seeking your assistance as a project judge on the day of
the fair. We are in need of approximately 60 judges in order to make the day a successful and rewarding experience for the students.
"As a judge, your day will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude at approximately 12 noon with a complimentary light lunch. You will judge approximately 10-12 projects
using a prepared judging form. Further details of your duties will be forwarded in a later mailing. If you are able to participate this year, please confirm by
responding to this message as soon as possible with the following information: name, email address, and telephone number.
"Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. We look forward to working with you at the Provincial Heritage Fair 2018.
Kent Butler
Job Opportunity: Visit Job Title: Dean, School of Language Studies & Academics; posted February 15, 2018
Job Opportunity: posted February 15, 2018;
Katherine Aguirre writes to President MacDonalad:
Hi Cynthia,
It was nice speaking with you!
I am a recruiter with Hays recruitment firm, and we are currently working in coordination with The Council of Ministers of Education to recruit for
Test Administrators across Canada. I feel this would be an opportunity that would be of interest to members of your association.
Please kindly circulate the below email to your members to let them know about the opportunity:
In partnership with The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), Hays Recruitment firm is currently hiring 250-300 Test Administrators across Canada to
administer The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The main study will be administered between April 23rd May 31st. You will be responsible for
supervising high school students as they participate in a standardized test for government studies. This position is offering $200/day. To submit your
application please upload your resume directly on the corresponding link:
If you have any further questions regarding the role feel free to email or reach her
directly at 905-366-4542.
Please also see a detailed job description for the role attached.
IF you have any further questions, please feel free to email me or reach me at 905-366-4542. Please also kindly let me know when you have circulated the
above email to your members.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Katherine Aguirre
701-201 City Centre Drive
T: 905-366-4542 x 288
Visit CALL FOR TEST ADMINISTRATORS for additional details
Volunteer Service Proect; Posted December 20, 2017; Suna Houghton writes:
"I now work with the Youth Settlement Services team at the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada. We are in the process of developing a pilot project,
the Volunteer Tutor Program for Students. Our organization runs a highly successful volunteer EAL tutor program for adults but we are regularly asked about
tutor programs for newcomer children and youth. Because of this interest, we decided to explore the idea of a tutor program for refugee or low income newcomer
students who often face barriers in accessing tutor services to support their needs. In this initial phase, we are planning to focus on students from Birchwood
Intermediate and Colonel Gray Senior High.
"I [would like to] reach out to retired teachers who might be interested in
volunteering with this program? .... Here are the highlights:
We are starting small: a maximum of 8 to 10 students in each school."
Suna Houghton
PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada
Bernadette Tibbo writes, December 14, 2017; posted December 19, 2017
Hi Mr. Oehlke, would you mine sending around the attached job postings (two) to your group.
Please post attached Job Ad to your website for College of the North Atlantic Qatar.
1) Language Studies Curriculum Specialist (English as a Foreign Language); and
Please visit our websites & for more information on employment
opportunities, the campus, programs of study and employee life at CNA-Q.
Teaching Opportunity at College of the North Atlantic: Qatar; Application deadline October 25, 2017.
Visit the Information at at Instructor: Mathematics
• Speakers:
• Ambassador Bob Rae, Canada's Permanent Representative to the UN
• Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls
• Susan Marx, Director of Human Rights, The Carter Center
Esteemed Presenters: UN Ambassador Bob Rae- UN Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalam-Susan Marx Carter CenterREGISTER HERE
The event will discuss the importance of a new Optional Protocol to enhance CEDAW's impact, particularly in addressing gender-based violence in Canada and globally.; or; or
visit 40 Waterstreet, Charlotetown, PE, C1A 1A3.
• Mail-in Ballot applications
o Deadline to apply is 11:59pm on Saturday, October 29, 2022
o Applications can be found at or by calling 902-370-5440 or 902-370-5441.
• Ballot Submissions
o Ballots must be returned to Elections PEI by noon on Thursday November 10, 2022.
• Demande de bulletin de vote postal
o La date limite pour faire une demande de bulletin de vote postal est le samedi 29 octobre 2022 à 23 h 59.
o Il est possible de faire sa demande en ligne au ou en appelant au 902-370-5440 ou au 902-370-5441.
• Soumission des bulletins
o Les bulletins doivent être remis à Élections Î. P. É. au plus tard à midi le jeudi 10 novembre 2022.
1) a graduate of a PEI high school;
2) has completed an undergraduate degree at an accredited university; and
3) can show evidence of acceptance to a full-time Bachelor of Education or Master of Education Program.
please alert them of opportunity to apply for PEIRTA $2,000.00 scholarshp, using the form linked below.
UPEI Faculty of Education invites applications for the position of Project Manager for a literacy and numeracy outreach project. This full-time position will
involve managing and assisting in the delivery of several initiatives to promote early literacy and numeracy in PEI.
AGM & Dinner
Register 9:00 AM ; Meeting 10:00 AM
Credit Union Place Summerside
Guest Speaker: James MacAulay
Topic: Education in PEI - An Educator's Perspective
Vax Pass, ID & Masks Required
Lunch ProvidedAssociation canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retrait s
Canadian Association of Retired Teachers
a) Respond to requests regarding matters pertaining to pension concerns.
b) Make recommendations to the Executive on matters pertaining to pension concerns.
c) Receive concerns and recommendations from member organizations.
d) Prepare for the Executive proposals and position papers related to pension and retirement concerns with appropriate recommendations.
a) Maintain the ACER-CART website.
b) Produce information for use on the website and by Members.
c) Encourage and facilitate communication among Members.
a) Provide Members with links to reliable information on personal health and well-being.
b) Advocate for health goals identified in ACER-CART s strategic plans and Member resolutions.
c) Prepare for the Executive proposals, position papers and appropriate recommendations related to health concerns.
a) Develop and recommend to the Executive actions regarding political advocacy that respond to the goals and objectives established by the Board.
b) Monitor political issues and advise the Executive on emerging issues relevant to ACER-CART.
c) Plan and organize political action, if so, directed by the Executive.
President Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retrait s
Canadian Association of Retired Teachers
a) R pondre aux demandes concernant les questions relatives aux pensions.
b) Faire des recommandations l ex cutif sur les questions relatives aux pensions.
c) Recevoir les pr occupations et les recommandations des organisations membres.
d) Pr parer pour l Ex cutif des propositions et des prises de position relatives aux questions de pension et de retraite, accompagn es des
recommandations appropri es.
a) Maintenir le site Web de l ACER-CART.
b) Produire de l information utiliser sur le site Web et par les membres.
c) Encourager et faciliter la communication entre les membres.
a) Fournir aux membres des liens vers des informations fiables sur la sant et le bien- tre personnel.
c) Pr parer, l intention de l ex cutif, des propositions, des expos s de position et des recommandations appropri es concernant les probl mes de sant .
a) laborer et recommander l ex cutif des mesures de d fense des int r ts politiques qui r pondent aux buts et aux objectifs tablis par le conseil
d administration.
b) Surveiller les questions politiques et conseiller l ex cutif sur les questions mergentes pertinentes pour l ACER-CART.
c) Planifier et organiser des actions politiques, si l ex cutif le demande.
Pr sident
The Faculty of Education is seeking a dynamic and multi-skilled teacher-librarian to fill a term contract position as Facilitator of the Education Learning
Commons (ELC).
Please submit electronically a cover letter, quoting the competition number, a resume and reference list to be received no later than the closing date via the
link posted on the UPEI Human Resources website. Applications will not be accepted via email. Closing date for applications is April 19.
Dean, Faculty of Education, UPEI
Phone: (902) 566-0349
Phone: (514) 668-0817
We hope you enjoy this holiday video, featuring staff, students, and Holland College Foundation board members at campuses across the province.
As you will see, your generosity truly has an extraordinary impact.
The Holland College Foundation Team
President, PEIRTA
Lynda MacLean; Human Resources
Norbert Carpenter; Acting Director of Public Schools Branch
"I'm the HR Director for the Coach Atlantic Transportation Group and we're reaching out to various associations and groups as part of a new recruitment initiative.
We're currently looking for Motor Coach and Minibus operators in Charlottetown and were wondering if you'd be will to share the attached poster/information with
your members? Many of our current drivers are retirees from a variety of industries who enjoy the flexibility of these part-time and seasonal roles provide,
as well as interacting with the public.
"Please let me know if you're willing to share the attached with your members,
"Thank you,
Jessica King
Coach Atlantic Transportation Group
m. 902.223.0671 |o. 902.405.4646 |f. 902.423.5522
a. 6575 Bayne St, Halifax, NS, B3K 2V6 |
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Place: Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, 75 Kent Street, Charlottetown
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM (with Speeches at 6:30 PM)
with other colleagues
with former Reading Recovery teachers, parents, students and principals
through your websites, newsletters, etc.
The CIRR gratefully acknowledges the partnership and collaboration with the PEI Department of Education, English and French school boards, schools, principals,
teachers, parents, and students during the 20 years of Reading Recovery on PEI!
Please RSVP.
Sheila Barnes
President, CIRR
Electoral System Referendum Choices (New System vs Current system)
Location: Murphy's Community Center, Richmond St. Charlottetown
Date: Saturday , January 26, 8:30 - 12:30. Storm date: February 2
Pre-register: by Jan 19 . SYLVIE 902-368-7337, or
FREE, SNACKS, INVITE SENIORS2018 Retired Teachers Golf Tournament
Where: Eagles Glenn of Cavendish
Time: 9:00am Shotgun
Description: 4 Person Scramble
Format is a 4 person scramble - Female, Male or combined teams (competitive and non-competitive). Cost is $50 plus HST = $57.50 per person (includes power cart,
and range) for golf and cart with an optional $20 steak or gluten free meal.
Eagles Glenn of Cavendish
374 Eagles Glenn Blvd.
Cavendish, Prince Edward Island
Canada, C0A 1M0
"Heritage Fair 2018 Judge Committee
Social Studies and Innovation Leader
Grades 7-12
Education, Early Learning and Culture
250 Water Street, Suite 101
Summerside, PE C1N 1B6
Ph: (902) 438-4806
Fax: (902) 438-4874
Location: Qatar
Deadline: Open until filled
Full/Part Time: Full-Time
Recruiter- PISA Project
HAYS Talent Solutions
Mississauga ON L5B 2T4
1) A volunteer will meet his/her student one afternoon a week for 1.5 hours at the end of the school day. All tutoring will take place at a designated area at
either Birchwood or Colonel Gray;
2) Students will get support for both their language and academic needs;
3) Volunteers will be required to undergo a detailed application process and complete 4 hours of online training and one in-class session. All training must be
completed by January 8th, 2018.
Youth Settlement Services Worker
See our Information Guide for Newcomers to Canada at
49 Water St, Charlottetown, C1A 1A3
Tel: 902-628-6009 ext. 223
Email: Suna Houghton
Fax: (902) 894-4928
Student Counsellor
Bernadette Tibbo
HR Assistant Qatar Project
College of the North Atlantic
PO Box 1693 1 Prince Philip Drive
St. John s, NL A1C 5P7
Tel: (709) 758-7347
July 2017
The PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada has created a Volunteer Tutor Program to support low income refugee and immigrant students. The pilot project will support students at Birchwood Intermediate and Colonel Gray High School and will run in three cycles during the school year. Tutors have the flexibility to volunteer for as many, or as few, as their schedules will allow. EAL Tutor Training includes an online 4 hour course and a classroom session.
For more details on the program please contact Project Coordinator Jill Olscamp at or 902-628-6009 ext 223.
July 2017
All are welcome! For more information, please call Philip Brown at 902-892-8662.
Philip Brown
Class of ''77
December 6, 2016
Request for French Immersion Tutors from Gail Lecky:
November 7, 2016
Bernadette Tibbo writes, "Would you kindly post this November job ad for College of the North Atlantic Qatar.
Instructor, Mathematics
Click on "job ad" in hypertext above to see the advertisement.
September 19, 2016
Bernadette Tibbo writes, "Would you kindly post this job ad for College of the North Atlantic Qatar.
Instructor, Mathematics
Click on "job ad" in hypertext above to see the advertisement.
Bernadette Tibbo
HR Assistant Qatar Project
College of the North Atlantic
PO Box 1693 1 Prince Philip Drive
St. John s, NL A1C 5P7
Tel: (709) 758-7347
Please visit our websites & for more information on employment opportunities, the campus, programs of study and employee life at CNA-Q.
July 7, 2016
Beverly McQuillan writes to Bill Oehlke: "I am the Office Assistant for the PEI CCS and I rely on front office volunteers to assist in the everyday tasks of running this office. Presently, I am short a couple of volunteers and I am approaching you to see if you could send out an e-mail to your members to see if any of them would be interested in volunteering.
Typically, I have one volunteer for the morning and another for the afternoon, Monday to Friday (10 volunteers all together). So it would be a commitment of a half a day a week. Hours would be 8:30 to 12:00 or 12:00 to 4:00.
Duties would include, but not necessarily limited to:
- Answer telephone
- Greet visitors
- Take donations (by tel or in person) and issue receipts
- Photo copy
- Process mail
- Check e-mail via Outlook Express
- Put packages together
If anyone is interested, they can go online to the Canadian Cancer Society website and complete an application form. For more particulars on completing that application, they can contact me here at 902-566-4007.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Beverly McQuillan
Office Assistant
Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division
Tel 902-566-1713 ext. 2233
Fax 902-628-8281
Toll Free: 1-866-566-4007
1 Rochford Street, Suite 1
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 9L2
Connect with us online
May 18, 2016
The Survivors Victory Lap acknowledges and celebrates the courage of everyone who has survived cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society extends a special invitation to all cancer survivors to participate in this inspiring part of the 2016 Relay For Life this June in a community near them. You can register by visiting our website or by contacting Christian Gallant at 902-566-1713 EXT 2222, toll free by calling 1-866-566-4007, or by email Christian Galant.
If you have any question please feel free to contact me.
Danny Perry
Marketing Communications Intern
Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division
Tel 902-566-4007 Fax 902-628-8281
1 Rochford Street, Suite 1
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 9L2
Danny Perry
Danny Perry
Marketing Communications Intern
Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division
Tel 902-566-4007 Fax 902-628-8281
1 Rochford Street, Suite 1
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 9L2
Email: Danny Perry
Danny Perry writes:
Have you been impacted by cancer?Would you like to help others impacted by Cancer? Relay For Life is the Island s largest annual fundraiser in the fight against ALL cancers and accounts for 40% of all donations annually to the Canadian Cancer Society PEI. Because of donations large and small, last year, they were able to help 1,491 Islanders with cancer support and prevention services. An additional 3,500 Islanders learned how to reduce the risk of cancer through educational presentations and tens of thousands more were reached through website, radio, TV and newspaper. |
Join hundreds of Islanders in a community near you.
Friday, June 3, 2016 - Kensington Community Gardens
Register today to start raising funds for cancer support Relay For Life is a celebration of cancer survivorship, a tribute to the lives of loved ones lost and a night of fun, entertainment, friendship and fundraising to beat cancer. |
Picture yourself walking a track while hundreds of people family, friends, co-workers and neighbours cheer you on. The baton you hold in your hand is a powerful symbol of your personal commitment to make an impact in the fight against cancer. As you complete your lap and pass the baton to a teammate, you feel an overwhelming sense of pride in knowing you re united with Canadians in communities across the country to create a world where no one fears cancer. |
From Suzanne MacDonald, BAA
Email: Suzanne MacDonald,
Events Development & Coordination Officer,
PEI Heart and Stroke Foundation
T: 902 892 7441 ext 1207
Subject: volunteers needed for Heart and Stroke Foundaton
Suzanne MacFonald writes, "I m wondering if there are any retired teachers who might be interested in volunteering with the Heart and Stroke Foundation? In particular, I m looking for people who can come in to our office and make follow-up phone calls to businesses that received a letter asking for their support of the silent and live auctions for our Nortons Razzle Dazzle Gala 2016 that is taking place in February.
"The Heart and Stroke Foundation s mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery. A volunteer-based health charity, our mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery. Our vision is a world where Canadians live healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke. Together with our volunteers, donors, researchers and partners, we create survivors.
"Heart and stroke disease on Prince Edward Island:
Approximately 7700 Islanders are living with heart disease
More than 300 people die from heart disease on PEI each year
Approximately 800 people on PEI are living with the effects of stroke
An average of 81 Islanders die from stroke each year
"I appreciate any consideration you can give to this request."
Suzanne MacDonald
From Peter Rukavina
President, PEI Home and School Federation
PEI Home and School Federation
Education and Engagement Coordinator
The PEI Home and School Federation, the umbrella organization representing parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff at English language schools in the province, is seeking an Education and Engagement Coordinator, a part-time, 30 hours per week term position responsible for coordinating the federation s Parent Leadership Grant Program, for spearheading action on the federation s policy resolutions, and for offering general administrative and operational assistance to the Executive Director.
Details about the position and instructions for how to apply are available on the federation s website at:
Part-time Instructors Wanted:
Hi Sheridyth,
My name is Amber Jadis and I own Bricks 4 Kidz on PEI. We run after-school programs, camps, workshops and parties to teach students about science and engineering
using LEGO Bricks. I got your contact information from my parents, who are also retired teachers.
We are looking for four part-time instructors for the coming school year - one for Eastern Kings, one for Charlottetown, one for Summerside/Central Queens and
one for West Prince. The position would be ideal for a retired teacher who misses being around the kids, but doesn't necessarily want to substitute teach.
Is there any way you could share this information with the retired teachers?
Bricks 4 Kidz is an innovative educational program teaching children about STEM using LEGO Bricks! We are currently looking for one part-time instructor for
the Charlottetown area, one for Central Queens area, one for Summerside and one for West Prince. Part-time instructors would be primarily responsible for
1 to 5 one hour after-school classes a week and, if interested, may have opportunities to teach workshops, preschool classes and/or birthday parties.
Applicants must:
The successful applicant must provide a criminal background check and sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Compensation will be $25/hour of instructional time for the part-time positions.
Applications can be made by email or by going to my website and applying online as a teacher.
Amber Jadis, P.Eng. M.B.A.
* have experience and enjoy working with children ages 3-13 in groups of 15-20
* have reliable transportation and willing to do some travel
* be on time and have an excellent work ethic
* have great organization skills
* be available during the hours of 2:00 - 4:30pm at least 3 weekdays/week
* bilingualism is an asset, but not required
* enjoy math, science and technology
Bricks 4 Kidz PEI
Rally Called Off:
The PEITF has reached an agreement with the Government late Monday to review the loss of 28 teaching positions. The agreement will see the 28 classroom positions
reinstated pending the review process which will involve principals and the ELSB. We fully expect the review to identify the need for those positions, and we are
confident in those positions being reinstated and trust government s commitment to that.
Due to this commitment, the rally that was planned for Tuesday at 4pm is now called off.
Please help spread the word about the cancellation.
I guess it was also announced on Facebook, but I wanted to confirm with something more reliable in case there was a Facebook prank in the works. The rally has been
Bill Oehlke
June 29, 2015: Sheridyth MacNeill, President of the PEIRTA writes, "we are supporting the PEITF as they have a Protest Walk at 4:00pm at the Coles Building on Tuesday, June 30th.
We support them as they protest a further cut in the teachers for next year in our Island Schools.
"Thank-you everyone and please spread the word and SHOW UP!!!!"
Rally Called Off:
The PEITF has reached an agreement with the Government late Monday to review the loss of 28 teaching positions. The agreement will see the 28 classroom positions
reinstated pending the review process which will involve principals and the ELSB. We fully expect the review to identify the need for those positions, and we are
confident in those positions being reinstated and trust government s commitment to that.
Due to this commitment, the rally that was planned for Tuesday at 4pm is now called off.
Please help spread the word about the cancellation.
I guess it was also announced on Facebook, but I wanted to confirm with something more reliable in case there was a Facebook prank in the works. The rally has been
Bill Oehlke
April 29, 2015: Professional Volunteering Opportunity:
I work with a Canadian registered charity called 'Help Lesotho'. We are seeking a retired educational professional (ideally a principal), who would like to travel to Lesotho (southern Africa) as a professional volunteer to help mentor our local staff and build their capacity in various areas (management, facilitation, conflict resolution, etc.)
Our full job posting can be found here:
Kate Lambert
Senior Project Officer
610 Bronson Ave
Ottawa, ON, K1S 4E6 l
For general inquiries, please email
April 2015: Outdoor Beautification: Sherwood School is looking for any Retired Teachers who might like to help maintain the "gardens" at Sherwood School during the summer months. If so please contact either Bonnie Harris or Colleen Hullahan at Sherwood School. Phone number is: 902-368-6780.
February 14, 2015: Request for retired teachers to Teach in China. B. Ed. required; looking for teachers at all Grade levels.
November 6, 2014: Request for Volunteers: Help prepare income tax returns for low-income individuals and families in your area. This is to provide help for eligible individuals who have a modest income and a simple tax situation. Training available.
October 16, 2014: Request for Volunteer: Canadian Diabetes Association: Public Education Facilitator!
President Sheridyth MacNeil indicates there was a good turnout for the Prince County Spring Social in Summerside, May 1. We stil have two more up and coming:
2014 Spring Socials
Queens May 8
Jack Blanchard Centre, Charlottetown
Kings May 15
Red s Corner, Montague
Posted May 28, 2014: Heart and Stroke/PEI seeks volunteers ~ Susanne MacDonald, Heart and Stroke/PEI
Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends, keep those skills razor sharp, and best of all, have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to make a
difference in the lives of Islanders. If you enjoy people, have some time to share, and would like to be part of our work to help residents of PEI to live longer,
healthier lives, or if you simply want more information, please call Crystal at 902-892-7441 or toll-free 1-888-473-4636, or email
On May 29th from 9:00-11:30 am my Island History class will be hosting an open house in the Montague RHS cafeteria to celebrate one room schools in our area.
We would like to extend an invitation to all your members. We are also seeking former one room schoolhouse teachers and former students to interview. Please
contact me at the school 838-0835 or at home 838- 4200 if interested.
Ralph Jamieson
November 2, 2013:
Request for volunteers
From: Trina O'Brien Leggott;
Date: October 30, 2013 at 9:49:34 AM ADT
Subject: Re: Terrific volunteer opportunity
There are still opportunities to volunteer as an EAL tutor with the Public Library/PEI ANC. Our Volunteer Tutoring Program participants help adult newcomers learn and practice English, and we always have a wait list of new learners.
Training is offered 3-4 times a year in a class setting, or volunteers can train online at their convenience any time. Once training is complete we ask for a 2 hour commitment per week, for a minimum of 6 months. At this time, we are looking to match new English learners in both Summerside and Charlottetown.
I would appreciate if you can offer this volunteer opportunity to your members, and would be happy to answer questions about specifics and can be contacted directly by email or the phone number below.
Your assistance in sharing this message is much appreciated.
Trina O'Brien Leggott
Chief Librarian
Confederation Centre Public Library
P.O. Box 7000
Charlottetown, PE, C1A 8J8
902-368-4654 or Trina O'Brien
August 2, 2013:
Request for assistance: promotion of overseas placement opportunities:
These are:
Volunteer Placement
Start Date
Application Deadline
Primary Education Advisor (2 positions)
Sep 2013
18 months
Aug 16, 2013
Leadership and Teaching Skills Facilitator (2 positions)
Sep 2013
12 months
Aug 23, 2013
Leadership Facilitator
Sep 2013
12 months
Aug 23, 2013
Best regards,
Caroline Spira,
Placement Recruitment Advisor
Conseill re en recrutement pour les affectations cibl es
44 Eccles Street, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON K1R 6S4 Tel. (613) 829-7445
ext. 260 / Toll free 1-888-434-2876 ext. 260
Join Cuso International and volunteer your skills, your voice and your support.
Joignez-vous Cuso International et mettez profit vos comp tences, votre voix et votre soutien.
Cuso International is an international development organization that works through volunteers. Cuso International is committed to meeting its obligations under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) (PIPEDA) and makes every effort to protect personal information provided to us.
June 29, 2013: International Education Opportunity: We are looking for a dedicated individual to be responsible for ensuring the overall success of our Charlottetown homestay program. Responsibilities include developing a host family network, matching students and providing support for their ongoing relationships. This is a part-time position with an application closing date of June 28, 2013, which has now been extended.
Please submit a cover letter and resume to:
Visit the Homestay International website for some understanding of the program:
Mike Leslie writes, "Hello Patricia.
I am forwarding this information to your association because I thought it might be a good fit for a retired teacher who is looking for some additional work and
would still be connected in some way to the education system.
I would appreciate it if you could forward this information to your membership through email, newsletter, or other communication sharing your association is
utilizing. The application date is June 28th but I just checked with company and due to the fact that I received this while in China last week and was unable to
distribute it quickly they will accept applications after June 28th.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any of the coordinates below in my signature. Thank you and appreciate any assistance you could provide.
Mike Leslie
Coordinator, International Education
PEI Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
250 Water Street, Suite 101
Summerside, PE, C1N 1B6
Telephone: 902-438-4816
Cell: 902- 316-1386
Fax: 902-438-4062
June 19, 2013: PEI Arthritis Society 'Call for Volunteers'.
March 13, 2013
Here is a 'shout out' to all former teachers, staff and students who have ever been involved with West Kent School.
In celebration of our 50th, we are publishing an Anthology of present students memories of West Kent and hope to have an accumulation of alumni stories as well. We are also interested in any pictures anyone may have of days gone.
Please note this is only regarding the present West Kent School....not the original old school.
Please see the bulletin below, and we would so appreciate if you could share the information with anyone you think would be interested.
Thanks again,
Valerie Beer
50th Committee
The school opened its doors in January, 1963. As part of our anniversary celebrations present students and staff are compiling an anthology of What West Kent Means to Me . We invite all alumni, teachers and students, to contribute their memories to our Anniversary Anthology. You can send your memories in a word document (250 words) and/ or pictures to Check out our blog, for updates on the celebrations!!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Warm Regards,
West Kent Anniversary Committee
Canadian Parents for French, call for volunteers to serve on Provincial Board of Directors; March 5, 2013
Horizon: Discounts on hearing assessment, hearing aids, listening devices for PEIRTA members; January 14, 2013
Canadian Diabetic Association, PEI Region, Call for Volunteers; January 12, 2013
Minutes of 2012 AGM in Summerside; posted December 19, 2012
Big Brothers Big Sisters looking for In-School Mentors
What if every child fulfills his or her potential? Imagine what that could start! Sign up to be an In-School Mentor and you could change your life and the life of a child just by being a friend. Whether you are playing games or making crafts, you can have fun while helping a child succeed. It doesn't matter what you do, it's that you do it together. One hour a week is all it takes to start something big! For more information call Big Brothers Big Sisters of PEI at 569-KIDS (1-877-411-3729), e-mail: or visit
Heather Doran
Volunteer & Events Coordinator
Big Brothers Big Sisters of PEI
This is from Olive O'Brien:
Newcomer and Established Island Seniors 50 years and older will learn new skills, and create friendships through the Seniors Connecting Across Cultures Program organized by the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada, Seniors Active Living Centre, and Murphy's Community Centre.
No special equipment or experience necessary and newcomer seniors can participate in activities regardless of their current level of English. Seniors can sign up for as many activities as they wish, and all sessions are free. Workshops take place between September and May, so contact us today!
Workshops are:
Eight Nights of Games
Using a Video Camera
International Cooking
Practical Digital Photography
Rug Hooking and Knitting
Voices Together Choral Singing
Line Dancing
Visual Arts
Information is posted on the PEI ANC website under Things to Know, and Things to Do, and on PEI ANC's Facebook page. For further information, or to register, please contact the Seniors Active Living Centre by calling (902) 628-8388 or emailing
EastWest Group, Teacher Recruiting Form, China
To: PEIRTA Members: May 17, 2012
From Eugene Murphy and PEI 55+ Summer Games
You are reminded that the registration forms for the 55+ Summer Games are now available. If
you have not already received one, copies may be accessed at the
55+ Games website or via PEI 55+ Summer Games
or call Sara Richard at 566-2354 ext 235.
The Games are hosted by the Town of Cornwall, and scheduled for the week of June 18-23. The list of specific events and timetable is on the registration form. If you need other information or would like to volunteer, contact Sara Richard as noted above. Please note the registration deadline of June 8.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY WITH THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY: Position: Arthritis Workshop Leader, Training will be provided; Sarah Drew
Sheila O'Shea writes on behalf of the 2012 Canada Wide Science Fair:
"Hi, My name is Sheila O'Shea and I am a teacher at Sherwood Elementary. I am involved this year with recruiting volunteers for the Canada Wide Science Fair being held at UPEI from Monday, May 14th -Saturday May 19th. On Thursday Jan.19th at UPEI we are having the launch of the CWSF website. On that site there will be information about what type of jobs we are asking people to volunteer for and a volunteer form to sign. If you can attend the launch at the AVC center on campus between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM that would be wonderful. I will have more information to follow after the 19th of January. Thank you."
The Canada Wide Science Fair is coming to Prince Edward Island from May 13-18th, 2012 at UPEI. Some of the brighest minds from Grades 7-12 will compete for medals and prizes worth approximately $1,000,000. The PEI Retired Teachers Association is just one of the many organizations we are asking to help us with this wonderful event. The website to registrar and view the various areas people can volunteer for is, and the contact person is John Burka Chair of the Volunteer Committee. You can also contact Sheila O'Shea at Sherwood Elementary 368-6780 if you have any questions. Also take a look at the Canada Wide Science Fair website to see the entire program,
Thank you in advance for all your support, Sheila O'Shea at Sheila O'Shea
January 15, 2012: ThirdQuarter: Affiliate member of PEIRTA
Today, Canadians aged 50-plus want to contribute to their communities during the third quarter of their lives. Also, as Canada`s population ages and skilled workers retire, its a challenge for businesses to fill the void.
ThirdQuarter is a national pilot project that offers a solution. ThirdQuarter is an online meeting place that matches local firms with mature Canadians who want to use their career and life skills to explore new jobs, work flexible hours or volunteer.
For more information, or to register, please visit our website at ThirdQuarter
Don Anderson
ThirdQuarter / Summerside Community Coordinator
t. 902-436-9575
c. 902-439-6678
January 15, 2012: Are you interested in teaching in Nunavut? Are you a retired or soon to be retired teacher or administrator? Nunavut has short term (less than a year) to long term (up to 3 years) positions for the upcoming school year. Representatives from the Nunavut Department of Education will be in Charlottetown from January 30 to February 3 to conduct individual or small group sessions for people interested in hearing more about these opportunities. To set up a meeting or for more information, please contact Dr. Shelly Pepler, Executive Director, Kivalliq School Operations at 867-793-1738 (cell) or Shelly Pepler.
Below is a letter from Catherine Beach to PEIRTA President James MacAulay:
"Hello James,
"My name is Catherine and I am the marketing advisor at CUSO-VSO, a non-profit development agency that works through volunteers. Each year, we send hundreds of global citizens to work on collaborative development projects in more than 40 countries.
"We are currently recruiting primary school teachers and education managers to volunteer overseas. Roles are generally longer term, ranging from one to two years and volunteers could be working in countries such as Cameroon, Rwanda, Nigeria or Guyana.
"We will be holding an information session next month in Charlottetown on October 25h, focused on our opportunities for education professionals to volunteer overseas.
"I was wondering if you would be able to promote this event to your members?
"I have enclosed the invitation, as well you can find the details on our website here:
"Charlottetown -
"Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks in advance for your help!
"Catherine Beach
Volunteer Recruitment & Marketing Advisor
Conseill re en recrutement et marketing de coop rants-volontaires CUSO-VSO
44 Eccles Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1R 6S4
Tel (613)-829-7445 ext 232
Toll free 1-888-434-2876 ext 232
Fax (613)-829-7996
"Volunteer for the World. Join CUSO-VSO and volunteer your skills, your voice, your support."
Visit Meet CUSO-VSO poster and additional information.
The Young Millionaire's Program seeks an individual to serve as coordinator for the Central PEI/Summerside portion of the Program. The Coordinator roll is a part-time position for about 20 weeks and about 20 hours a week, working with youth 8-16 years of age. It is also a paid position at about $15/hr (which includes 4% vaca. pay). Mike Randall, Economic Development Officer, Central Development Corporation, writes, "It is a lot of work, with several nights and a few weekends, but a retired teacher might be a great first choice because of experience and for the fact that we could have the same individual do it each year."
Click on the Young Millionaire's Program for more information, a link to their website, and contact information for Mike Randall. I believe the position has to be filled by April 11-12.
Many of our members participate in the PEI 55+ Winter and Summer Games. Results for the 2011 Games can be seen on the PEI 55+ Games website. The next Summer Games are scheduled for June 13-18, 2011; Cavendish Resort Municipality. Visit their website for details. Congratulations to the Games Society for providing these well organized, fun events.
For an historical perspective, visit Opportunities and Announcements from previous years.
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