Constitution: By-Laws

Table of Contents

1. Constitution and By-laws; 2015 revisions are in red

2. Executive Committee
2.1 Membership
2.2 Terms of Office and Responsibilities
Past President
County Representative

3. Standing Committees
3.1 Committees
3.2 Chairs
3.3 Duties of Standing Committees
Group Insurance
Pension Commission
Web Page

4. Policies
4.1 Creation and Maintenance of Policies
4.2 Policy Resolution
4.3 Financial
4.3.1 Fiscal Year
4.3.2 Records
4.3.3 Independent Examiner
4.3.4 Travel Costs
4.3.5 Annual Budget
4.3.6 Banking
4.3.7 Receipts and Disbursements
4.3.8 Honoraria
4.4 Scholarship and Bursary
4.5 Annual Meeting
4.6 Website


The name of the organization shall be Prince Edward Island Retired Teachers’ Association Inc.

The objectives of the Association shall be
a) To maintain and increase professional and social contacts
b) To keep informed of developments in education
c) To meet with government and negotiate better terms for retired teachers
d) To meet with outside organizations/merchants to obtain social/financial benefits for retired teachers
e) To maintain a liaison with the PEI Teachers’ Federation
f) To furnish recommendations and advice to the provincial executive and other committees of the PEITF on matters affecting the welfare of retired teachers.

Any teacher who
a) Was a member of the PEITF at the time of his/her retirement shall be eligible for active membership in this association.
b) Is in receipt of a pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act, or
c) was eligible for such pension on his/her retirement shall be eligible for active membership.
d) PEITF retired professional staff in receipt of a pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act shall be eligible for active membership in this association.

a) A retired teacher shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the Association if he/she is in receipt of a teacher’s pension from outside PEI.
b) A retired teacher’s spouse receiving pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the PEIRTA.
c) A retired teacher who held a valid PEI teaching contract at any time during his/her career shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the PEIRTA.

The rights, privileges, and responsibilities shall be extended as follows:
a) To active members the full rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership.
b) To be an executive member, a retired teacher must be an active member in good standing of PEIRTA.
c) All PEIRTA members will automatically be members of ACER-CART, the national retired teachers’ organization.
d) To affiliate members the full rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership accept the right to hold office in the PEIRTA.

a) Membership dues shall be established by resolution at the annual meeting of the Association.
b) Affiliate members shall pay the same dues as active members.

The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31 of any given year.

a) The executive committee of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, three representatives retired from the Public School Branch – one from each county; and one representative retired from the French School Board.
b) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, three representatives retired from the Public School Branch – one from each county; and one representative retired from the French School Board shall be elected for a term of two (2) years at the annual meeting of the Association and may serve two (2) consecutive terms.
c) The incoming executive committee will assume office January 1 of the calendar year following the election.
d) The signing authority for the PEIRTA shall be any two (2) of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.

a) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the Executive Committee through any cause, the executive committee shall name a member to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting.
b) The Executive Committee shall appoint from time to time such committees as may be necessary to carry on the work of the Association.

a) The annual meeting shall be held within the first seven (7) days of November each year or at such other time as determined by the executive.
b) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the County Representatives retired from the Public School Branch, and the representative retired from the French School Board will be elected every second year at the AGM.
c) Between the AGM and January 1 of an election year, a transition meeting of the past executive and the incoming executive shall be held.

a) Minutes of PEIRTA meetings will be forwarded to PEITF.
b) The PEIRTA shall submit a financial statement annually to the Provincial Executive of PEITF.
c) PEITF may select a member to attend executive, special, or annual meetings of the Association.

11. The Executive Committee shall establish a Policy Manual for the association. This Policy Manual will contain all the policies of the organization. Policy for the PEIRTA may be established by the Executive Committee with notice of motion given at the monthly meeting prior to the motion being placed on the floor for discussion. Any policy for the organization may be amended in a similar fashion; all policies duly moved and carried by the executive will remain in force until the next annual meeting. At the next annual meeting, all new policies put in resolutions coming from the floor will not go to a vote but will be considered by the executive during the following year and brought back to the next annual meeting if the executive deemed it appropriate. Policies which receive a majority vote of the annual meeting will be added to the policy manual.

12. Quorum
a) A quorum for the annual meeting of the PEIRTA shall be the sum of active members present.
b) A quorum for an executive meeting of the PEIRTA shall be 50% plus 1 of the executive members.

After a one-month notice of motion to amend the Constitution has been given to each Member, the Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at any regular session of the annual meeting of the Association.

2.1 Membership
The PEIRTA Executive consists of eight members—President, Vice-President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and one (1) county representative from each of Prince, Queens, and Kings Counties. To be an Executive member, a retired teacher must be an active member in good standing of the PEIRTA. (Bylaws 7.a and 4.b)
2.2 Executive Terms of Office and Responsibilities
a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Acts as spokesperson for the Executive
c) Votes at meetings if a tie occurs
d) Presides at all meetings of the Executive and Association
e) Signs all correspondence and contracts which require the President’s signature
f) Serves as one of the signing officers of the Association (Bylaw 7.d)
g) Is charged with general care, direction, and supervision of the affairs of the Executive
h) Provides a report at the AGM
i) submits a message to each edition of the RTA and PEITF newsletters
j) Ensures that resolutions from Executive and members are prepared for AGM
k) Represents the Association at ACER-CART annual meeting

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Assumes duties and responsibilities of President in his/her absence
c) May serve as one of the signing officers for the Association (Bylaw 7.d)

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all meetings of the Executive
c) Serves as one of the signing officers for the Association (Bylaw 7.d)
d) Works in collaboration with the President to carry out financial activities of The organization and to report to the Executive
e) Ensures that the financial records are kept current
f) Works with the Association’s independent examiner to ensure that accepted accounting practices are in place
g) With the President, submits an annual budget for approval by the Executive and for information at the AGM
h) Submits a current financial statement at AGM
i) submits a financial statement annually to the provincial executive of the PEITF

Past President
a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may continue if the President serves two (2) Terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all meetings of the Executive
c) Chairs the Nomination Committee

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all meetings of the Executive
c) Prepares minutes of Executive meetings and maintains a proper record
d) Deals with correspondence as needed
e) Copies all minutes to the PEITF
f) May serve as one of the signing officers for the Association (Bylaw 7.d)
g) Ensures that constitutional and policy amendments approved at AGM are reflected in the Executive Handbook and in records kept at the office of the PEIRTA

County Representative
a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all Executive meetings
c) Acts as a liaison between the Federation and the RTA members in his/her County
d) Serves on the Nomination Committee to find suitable candidates to represent President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Country Representatives.

3.1 The work of the Association is carried out under the direction of its standing committees:
Group Insurance
Pension Commission
Web Page

3.2 3.2 The chair of each standing committee shall be a member of the Executive or be appointed by the Executive in January of an election year, and shall report as necessary on any activities at Executive meetings.

3.3 Duties of Standing Committees

Group Insurance
a) Monitors any changes in retired teachers’ group insurance and makes recommendations to the Executive
b) Reports to the AGM

a) Attends all Superannuation meetings
b) Reports to the AGM

Pension Commission
a) Attends all Pension Commission meetings
b) Reports to the AGM

a) Seeks nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Country representatives and prepares nomination report for AGM
b) Requests nominations from the floor
c) Appoints a returning officer to count ballots should an election be necessary

a) Publishes three issues of the PEIRTA newsletter each year—mid-February, late May, and early October
b) Displays in nameplate/banner the Johnson Insurance logo with the understanding that they will support the newsletter financially
c) Works with Executive to keep membership informed of RTA activities (AGM, socials, other initiatives)
d) Publishes business card size ads in the newsletter at $100 per issue, space permitting e) Arranges with PEITF and RTA webmaster for posting of newsletter to PEITF and PEIRTA websites
f) Maintains list of members/interested parties who wish to view newsletter online instead of in hard copy
g) Informs those who do not receive hard copy of newsletter when newsletter will be posted online
h) Reports to the AGM

Web Page
a) Updates the web page on a regular basis
b) Confers with the President over any changes to the web page
c) Reports to the AGM

Membership a) Enrolls any person who was a member of the PEITF at the time of his/her retirement and who wishes to become a member of the PEIRTA
b) Extends affiliate membership in the PEIRTA to any interested person who has taught at the University or Community College, or has worked at the Department of Education in PEI for a period of one school year or more
c) Informs new members that the $1.00 RTA membership fee will be deducted from their cheques each month
d) Arranges with Johnson Inc. to provide labels for newsletter mail-out
e) Maintains an up-to-date mailing list of members
f) ensures that a copy of the newsletter is sent to the Department of Education, district Offices and ACER-CART


4.1 Creation and Maintenance of Policies
4.1.1 It shall be the responsibility of the Executive to create, maintain, and administer in a fair and consistent manner all Association policies.
4.1.2 The Executive, in consultation with the President, shall annually review all Association policies and, when necessary, propose amendments to policies.
4.1.3 Members of the PEIRTA may propose new policies and/or changes to existing policies by forwarding, in writing, such proposals to the Executive for consideration.
4.1.4 Final approval for all policies shall be the responsibility of the membership.
4.1.5 The Association will maintain in the Executive Handbook a record of all current policies. A record of PEIRTA policies shall be maintained at the office of the PEIRTA.
4.1.6 Copies of the contents of the Executive Handbook shall be made available to a member of the PEIRTA upon request.

4.2 Policy Resolution
4.2.1 Should conflict be found to exist in the interpretation of a policy, then that policy will be revised or revoked.
4.2.2 Should any policy be found to be in conflict with any bylaw, such policy shall be revoked.
4.2.3 Should a member be concerned that there is conflict in the interpretation of a policy within the Association, that member should make the President aware of the conflict and the details concerning the conflict.
4.2.4 The President shall present the case to a meeting of the Executive for resolution.

4.3 Financial Policies
4.3.1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association will begin January 1 and end December 31.
4.3.2 Records All records, returns, and documents pertaining to the operation of the Association shall be maintained by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare a report of the financial activities of the Association for presentation at each regular executive meeting.
4.3.3 Independent Examiner The financial affairs of the Association shall be reviewed by an independent examiner each term of the Executive or at the beginning of a new Treasurer’s term. The examiner’s report, along with any recommendations, shall be submitted to members of the Executive. All recommendations and/or suggestions for improvement offered as a result of the independent examination will be considered by the Executive.
4.3.4 Travel Costs Executive members incurring costs while working on behalf of the Association will be reimbursed for travel expenses. All costs for travel outside PEI must be submitted on the proper form, with receipts, to the Treasurer for payment. Mileage rates shall be reviewed yearly with mileage rates set by the Executive, who will be guided by PEITF mileage rates. Travel forms and receipts should be submitted on a monthly basis. Executive members living in the Charlottetown area will receive mileage at a rate of $5.00 per meeting to be paid annually.
4.3.5 Annual Budget The Treasurer and the President will prepare for presentation and approval at the annual meeting a complete projected forecast of all revenues and expenses for the Association for the next fiscal year.
4.3.6 Banking The bank account of the Association shall be kept at an approved financial institution to be designated by the Association’s Executive. The responsibility for daily and monthly transactions shall be left with the Treasurer of the Association. The Treasurer is responsible for all monthly bank reconciliations, cheque listing, posting of bank charges, etc. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to update and inform the Executive of any changes imposed by the bank that may affect the Association in a positive or negative way. Bank accounts shall be created to allow two of the approved signing officers to sign cheques.
4.3.7 Receipts and Disbursements All financial transactions shall be processed and recorded according to generally accepted accounting principles. All funds will be deposited in the Association bank account as soon as reasonably possible after receipt.
4.3.7. 3 Proper documentation for expenses (appropriate form, with receipts) must be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the disbursement of any funds. The PEIRTA will not participate in public fund-raising initiatives, or promote public fund-raising initiatives to the membership. RTA funds will, at the discretion of the Executive, be used to RTA further the goals of the. Copies of all financial records shall be kept for seven years.
4.3.8 Honoraria The President shall receive an honorarium of $1000 to be paid in two installments. The editor of the newsletter shall receive an honorarium of $750 to be paid in two installments. The Treasurer will receive an honorarium of $250 to be paid in two installments. The webmaster shall receive an honorarium of $250 to be paid in two installments.

4.4 Scholarship and Bursary
4.4.1 Each year one scholarship is awarded to a worthy Island student of the BEd program at UPEI and who has attended a Prince Edward Island high school and is the highest ranking student (based on their first undergraduate degree) not already receiving a major donor-funded award. The money to cover this scholarship is provided in part through the proceeds from Teachers Remembered, published by the RTA in 1988.
4.4.2 Each year a prize of $500 shall be awarded to a student graduating from the BEd program at UPEI and who has attended a Prince Edward Island high school.
4.4.3 Each year a $300 bursary be awarded to a student entering the second year in the Early Childhood care and Education program at Holland College and who attended a Prince Edward Island high school.

4.5 Annual Meeting
4.5.1 The annual meeting shall be held in November each year, alternating between Charlottetown and Summerside.
4.5.2 The location shall be booked by the Association in May or June of each year.
4.5.3 Where appropriate, information re AGM shall be included in the Fall newsletter.
4.5.4 Members shall be charged for the meal and meeting at a rate set by the Executive and deemed to be adequate to help defray costs.
4.5.5 The Secretary shall provide the minutes for the previous AGM to the President so he/she can arrange for copying.
4.5.6 The Treasurer shall provide the President with copies of the budget and Treasurer’s report so he/she can arrange for copying.

4.6 Website
4.6.1 The advertisements on this site have passed an initial screening by the PEIRTA Executive and webmaster. Neither the Executive nor the webmaster can guarantee you will have a satisfactory experience by responding to these advertisements.
4.6.2 The PEIRTA retains the right to refuse and/or remove any advertisements that are deemed by the Executive to be unacceptable to the general PEI public and/or the PEIRTA membership or that might cast the PEIRTA membership in a bad light.
4.6.3 Rates for advertisements are established by the PEIRTA Executive.
4.6.4 There is no charge for announcements from non-profit organizations soliciting volunteers.
4.6.5 One year advertisements for businesses operated by PEIRTA members or immediate family members (spouse, parent, sibling, child, and grandchild) will be posted for $10.00.
4.6.6 One year advertisements for theatre groups or cinemas will be posted for $10.00.
4.6.7 One year advertisements for pharmacies, health clubs, travel agencies, and financial planners (other than those in # 5 and/or # 6 above) will be posted for $25.00.
4.6.8 Cheques or payments are to be forwarded directly to our webmaster (address on website) with cheques made payable to PEIRTA.
4.6.9 Webmaster may accept payments for one, two, or three years.
4.6.10 At the end of each month, the webmaster will forward payments received to the treasurer of PEIRTA for deposit in the general account of the organization.


By-Laws for Prince Edward Island Retired Teachers’ Association Inc. (PEIRTA)
Revised up to 2015

Table of Contents

1. Constitution and By- laws

2. Executive Committee
2.1 Membership
2.2 Terms of Office and Responsibilities
Past President
County Representative

3. Standing Committees
3.1 Committees
3.2 Chairs
3.3 Duties of Standing Committees
Group Insurance
Pension Commission
Web Page

4. Policies
4.1 Creation and Maintenance of Policies
4.2 Policy Resolution
4.3 Financial
4.3.1 Fiscal Year
4.3.2 Records
4.3.3 Independent Examiner
4.3.4 Travel Costs
4.3.5 Annual Budget
4.3.6 Banking
4.3.7 Receipts and Disbursements
4.3.8 Honoraria
4.4 Scholarship and Bursary
4.5 Annual Meeting
4.6 Website


The name of the organization shall be Prince Edward Island Retired Teachers’ Association Inc.

The objectives of the Association shall be
a) To maintain and increase professional and social contacts
b) To keep informed of developments in education
c) To meet with government and negotiate better terms for retired teachers
d) To meet with outside organizations/merchants to obtain social/financial benefits for retired teachers
e) To maintain a liaison with the PEI Teachers’ Federation
f) To furnish recommendations and advice to the provincial executive and other committees of the PEITF on matters affecting the welfare of retired teachers.

Any teacher who
a) Was a member of the PEITF at the time of his/her retirement shall be eligible for active membership in this association.
b) Is in receipt of a pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act, or
c) was eligible for such pension on his/her retirement shall be eligible for active membership.
d) PEITF retired professional staff in receipt of a pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act shall be eligible for active membership in this association.

a) A retired teacher shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the Association if he/she is in receipt of a teacher’s pension from outside PEI.
b) A retired teacher’s spouse receiving pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the PEIRTA.
c) A retired teacher who held a valid PEI teaching contract at any time during his/her career shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the PEIRTA.

The rights, privileges, and responsibilities shall be extended as follows:
a) To active members the full rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership.
b) To be an executive member, a retired teacher must be an active member in good standing of PEIRTA.
c) All PEIRTA members will automatically be members of ACER-CART, the national retired teachers’ organization.
d) To affiliate members the full rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership accept the right to hold office in the PEIRTA.

a) Membership dues shall be established by resolution at the annual meeting of the Association.
b) Affiliate members shall pay the same dues as active members.

The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31 of any given year.

a) The executive committee of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one representative from each county.
b) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years at the annual meeting of the Association and may serve two (2) consecutive terms.
c) The incoming executive committee will assume office January 1 of the calendar year following the election.
d) The signing authority for the PEIRTA shall be any two (2) of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.

a) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the Executive Committee through any cause, the executive committee shall name a member to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting.
b) The Executive Committee shall appoint from time to time such committees as may be necessary to carry on the work of the Association.

a) The annual meeting shall be held within the first seven (7) days of November each year or at such other time as determined by the executive.
b) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and the County Representatives will be elected every second year at the AGM.
c) Between the AGM and January 1 of an election year, a transition meeting of the past executive and the incoming executive shall be held.

a) Minutes of PEIRTA meetings will be forwarded to PEITF.
b) The PEIRTA shall submit a financial statement annually to the Provincial Executive of PEITF.
c) PEITF may select a member to attend executive, special, or annual meetings of the Association.

11. The Executive Committee shall establish a Policy Manual for the association. This Policy Manual will contain all the policies of the organization. Policy for the PEIRTA may be established by the Executive Committee with notice of motion given at the monthly meeting prior to the motion being placed on the floor for discussion. Any policy for the organization may be amended in a similar fashion; all policies duly moved and carried by the executive will remain in force until the next annual meeting. At the next annual meeting, all new policies put in resolutions coming from the floor will not go to a vote but will be considered by the executive during the following year and brought back to the next annual meeting if the executive deemed it appropriate. Policies which receive a majority vote of the annual meeting will be added to the policy manual.

12. Quorum
a) A quorum for the annual meeting of the PEIRTA shall be the sum of active members present.
b) A quorum for an executive meeting of the PEIRTA shall be 50% plus 1 of the executive members.

After a one-month notice of motion to amend the Constitution has been given to each Member, the Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at any regular session of the annual meeting of the Association.

2.1 Membership The PEIRTA Executive consists of eight members—President, Vice-President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and one (1) county representative from each of Prince, Queens, and Kings Counties. To be an Executive member, a retired teacher must be an active member in good standing of the PEIRTA. (Bylaws 7.a and 4.b)

2.2 Executive Terms of Office and Responsibilities

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Acts as spokesperson for the Executive
c) Votes at meetings if a tie occurs
d) Presides at all meetings of the Executive and Association
e) Signs all correspondence and contracts which require the President’s signature
f) Serves as one of the signing officers of the Association (Bylaw 7.d)
g) Is charged with general care, direction, and supervision of the affairs of the Executive
h) Provides a report at the AGM
i) submits a message to each edition of the RTA and PEITF newsletters
j) Ensures that resolutions from Executive and members are prepared for AGM
k) Represents the Association at ACER-CART annual meeting

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Assumes duties and responsibilities of President in his/her absence
c) May serve as one of the signing officers for the Association (Bylaw 7.d)

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all meetings of the Executive
c) Serves as one of the signing officers for the Association (Bylaw 7.d)
d) Works in collaboration with the President to carry out financial activities of The organization and to report to the Executive
e) Ensures that the financial records are kept current
f) Works with the Association’s independent examiner to ensure that accepted accounting practices are in place
g) With the President, submits an annual budget for approval by the Executive and for information at the AGM
h) Submits a current financial statement at AGM
i) submits a financial statement annually to the provincial executive of the PEITF

Past President
a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may continue if the President serves two (2) Terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all meetings of the Executive
c) Chairs the Nomination Committee

a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all meetings of the Executive
c) Prepares minutes of Executive meetings and maintains a proper record
d) Deals with correspondence as needed
e) Copies all minutes to the PEITF
f) May serve as one of the signing officers for the Association (Bylaw 7.d)
g) Ensures that constitutional and policy amendments approved at AGM are reflected in the Executive Handbook and in records kept at the office of the PEIRTA

County Representative
a) Serves a term of two (2) years and may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms (Bylaw 7.b)
b) Attends all Executive meetings
c) Acts as a liaison between the Federation and the RTA members in his/her County
d) Serves on the Nomination Committee to find suitable candidates to represent President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Country Representatives.


3.1 The work of the Association is carried out under the direction of its standing committees:
Group Insurance
Pension Commission
Web Page

3.2 The chair of each standing committee shall be a member of the Executive or be appointed by the Executive in January of an election year, and shall report as necessary on any activities at Executive meetings.

3.3 Duties of Standing Committees
Group Insurance
a) Monitors any changes in retired teachers’ group insurance and makes recommendations to the Executive
b) Reports to the AGM

a) Attends all Superannuation meetings
b) Reports to the AGM

Pension Commission
a) Attends all Pension Commission meetings
b) Reports to the AGM

a) Seeks nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Country representatives and prepares nomination report for AGM
b) Requests nominations from the floor
c) Appoints a returning officer to count ballots should an election be necessary

a) Publishes three issues of the PEIRTA newsletter each year—mid-February, late May, and early October
b) Displays in nameplate/banner the Johnson Insurance logo with the understanding that they will support the newsletter financially
c) Works with Executive to keep membership informed of RTA activities (AGM, socials, other initiatives)
d) Publishes business card size ads in the newsletter at $100 per issue, space permitting
e) Arranges with PEITF and RTA webmaster for posting of newsletter to PEITF and PEIRTA websites
f) Maintains list of members/interested parties who wish to view newsletter online instead of in hard copy
g) Informs those who do not receive hard copy of newsletter when newsletter will be posted online
h) Reports to the AGM

Web Page
a) Updates the web page on a regular basis
b) Confers with the President over any changes to the web page
c) Reports to the AGM

a) Enrolls any person who was a member of the PEITF at the time of his/her retirement and who wishes to become a member of the PEIRTA
b) Extends affiliate membership in the PEIRTA to any interested person who has taught at the University or Community College, or has worked at the Department of Education in PEI for a period of one school year or more
c) Informs new members that the $1.00 RTA membership fee will be deducted from their cheques each month
d) Arranges with Johnson Inc. to provide labels for newsletter mail-out
e) Maintains an up-to-date mailing list of members
f) ensures that a copy of the newsletter is sent to the Department of Education, district Offices and ACER-CART


4.1 Creation and Maintenance of Policies
4.1.1 It shall be the responsibility of the Executive to create, maintain, and administer in a fair and consistent manner all Association policies.
4.1.2 The Executive, in consultation with the President, shall annually review all Association policies and, when necessary, propose amendments to policies.
4.1.3 Members of the PEIRTA may propose new policies and/or changes to existing policies by forwarding, in writing, such proposals to the Executive for consideration.
4.1.4 Final approval for all policies shall be the responsibility of the membership.
4.1.5 The Association will maintain in the Executive Handbook a record of all current policies. A record of PEIRTA policies shall be maintained at the office of the PEIRTA.
4.1.6 Copies of the contents of the Executive Handbook shall be made available to a member of the PEIRTA upon request.

4.2 Policy Resolution
4.2.1 Should conflict be found to exist in the interpretation of a policy, then that policy will be revised or revoked.
4.2.2 Should any policy be found to be in conflict with any bylaw, such policy shall be revoked.
4.2.3 Should a member be concerned that there is conflict in the interpretation of a policy within the Association, that member should make the President aware of the conflict and the details concerning the conflict.
4.2.4 The President shall present the case to a meeting of the Executive for resolution.

4.3 Financial Policies
4.3.1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association will begin January 1 and end December 31.
4.3.2 Records All records, returns, and documents pertaining to the operation of the Association shall be maintained by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare a report of the financial activities of the Association for presentation at each regular executive meeting.
4.3.3 Independent Examiner The financial affairs of the Association shall be reviewed by an independent examiner each term of the Executive or at the beginning of a new Treasurer’s term. The examiner’s report, along with any recommendations, shall be submitted to members of the Executive. All recommendations and/or suggestions for improvement offered as a result of the independent examination will be considered by the Executive.
4.3.4 Travel Costs Executive members incurring costs while working on behalf of the Association will be reimbursed for travel expenses. All costs for travel outside PEI must be submitted on the proper form, with receipts, to the Treasurer for payment. Mileage rates shall be reviewed yearly with mileage rates set by the Executive, who will be guided by PEITF mileage rates. Travel forms and receipts should be submitted on a monthly basis. Executive members living in the Charlottetown area will receive mileage at a rate of $5.00 per meeting to be paid annually.
4.3.5 Annual Budget The Treasurer and the President will prepare for presentation and approval at the annual meeting a complete projected forecast of all revenues and expenses for the Association for the next fiscal year.
4.3.6 Banking The bank account of the Association shall be kept at an approved financial institution to be designated by the Association’s Executive. The responsibility for daily and monthly transactions shall be left with the Treasurer of the Association. The Treasurer is responsible for all monthly bank reconciliations, cheque listing, posting of bank charges, etc. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to update and inform the Executive of any changes imposed by the bank that may affect the Association in a positive or negative way. Bank accounts shall be created to allow two of the approved signing officers to sign cheques. 4.3.7 Receipts and Disbursements All financial transactions shall be processed and recorded according to generally accepted accounting principles. All funds will be deposited in the Association bank account as soon as reasonably possible after receipt.
4.3.7. 3 Proper documentation for expenses (appropriate form, with receipts) must be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the disbursement of any funds. The PEIRTA will not participate in public fund-raising initiatives, or promote public fund-raising initiatives to the membership. RTA funds will, at the discretion of the Executive, be used to RTA further the goals of the. Copies of all financial records shall be kept for seven years.
4.3.8 Honoraria The President shall receive an honorarium of $1000 to be paid in two installments. The editor of the newsletter shall receive an honorarium of $750 to be paid in two installments. The Treasurer will receive an honorarium of $250 to be paid in two installments. The webmaster shall receive an honorarium of $250 to be paid in two installments.

4.4 Scholarship and Bursary
4.4.1 Each year one scholarship is awarded to a worthy Island student of the BEd program at UPEI and who has attended a Prince Edward Island high school and is the highest ranking student (based on their first undergraduate degree) not already receiving a major donor-funded award. The money to cover this scholarship is provided in part through the proceeds from Teachers Remembered, published by the RTA in 1988.
4.4.2 Each year a prize of $500 shall be awarded to a student graduating from the BEd program at UPEI and who has attended a Prince Edward Island high school.
4.4.3 Each year a $300 bursary be awarded to a student entering the second year in the Early Childhood care and Education program at Holland College and who attended a Prince Edward Island high school.

4.5 Annual Meeting
4.5.1 The annual meeting shall be held in November each year, alternating between Charlottetown and Summerside.
4.5.2 The location shall be booked by the Association in May or June of each year.
4.5.3 Where appropriate, information re AGM shall be included in the Fall newsletter.
4.5.4 Members shall be charged for the meal and meeting at a rate set by the Executive and deemed to be adequate to help defray costs.
4.5.5 The Secretary shall provide the minutes for the previous AGM to the President so he/she can arrange for copying.
4.5.6 The Treasurer shall provide the President with copies of the budget and Treasurer’s report so he/she can arrange for copying.

4.6 Website
4.6.1 The advertisements on this site have passed an initial screening by the PEIRTA Executive and webmaster. Neither the Executive nor the webmaster can guarantee you will have a satisfactory experience by responding to these advertisements.
4.6.2 The PEIRTA retains the right to refuse and/or remove any advertisements that are deemed by the Executive to be unacceptable to the general PEI public and/or the PEIRTA membership or that might cast the PEIRTA membership in a bad light. 4.6.3 Rates for advertisements are established by the PEIRTA Executive.
4.6.4 There is no charge for announcements from non-profit organizations soliciting volunteers.
4.6.5 One year advertisements for businesses operated by PEIRTA members or immediate family members (spouse, parent, sibling, child, and grandchild) will be posted for $10.00.
4.6.6 One year advertisements for theatre groups or cinemas will be posted for $10.00.
4.6.7 One year advertisements for pharmacies, health clubs, travel agencies, and financial planners (other than those in # 5 and/or # 6 above) will be posted for $25.00.
4.6.8 Cheques or payments are to be forwarded directly to our webmaster (address on website) with cheques made payable to PEIRTA.
4.6.9 Webmaster may accept payments for one, two, or three years.
4.6.10 At the end of each month, the webmaster will forward payments received to the treasurer of PEIRTA for deposit in the general account of the organization.


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